Training – how to recognize it, what is the threat?

There is much talk about how important physical activity is in our lives. That’s true, but all in moderation. A very common mistake of training supporters, especially beginners, is to shoulder too much. Lack of time for regeneration and forcing the body to make too much effort is a quick way to overtraining, which can have unpleasant consequences for our health. What is overtraining, how to recognize it, what is its threat and how to avoid it if we want to continue practicing it systematically?

What is overtraining?

When you start training, the effects are visible quite quickly, which makes many people more willing to exercise and more. To achieve even better results, we decide to lift more weights or travel longer distances in order to stimulate the body to work as much as possible.


Giving your all and exceeding your limits is a good thing for any athlete, but you need to know how much you can afford. Training happens not only to beginners, but also to professionals who do not see the effects of their efforts for a long time.

Overtraining is a disorder of the regenerative functions of the organism, leading to physical and mental changes. It is often confused with fatigue (a short-term drop in form), but it lasts longer and requires some complex actions.

How do you recognize overtraining? Symptoms of overtraining

Overtraining is hard to recognize, it can be confused with allergy, cold and even depression. However, if you exercise a lot and notice the symptoms listed below, you may want to think about resting and regenerating.

Physical symptoms of overtraining:

  • a decline in fitness and fitness;
  • constant fatigue;
  • muscle trembling;
  • deterioration of physical activity results;
  • no results from the exercises;
  • sleep problems;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sometimes the temperature is elevated;
  • weight loss;
  • menstrual disorders in women;
  • muscle and joint pains.

Psychological symptoms of overtraining:

  • the libido drop;
  • concentration disorder;
  • annoyance;
  • a decline in self-esteem;
  • a worsening of the motivation;
  • apathy.

What are the reasons for overtraining?

Treatment of overtraining can be complicated, so it is better to prevent it. To do this, we need to know what’s conducive to overtraining.


The most common causes of overtraining are..:

  • a mismatched training plan;
  • excessive effort during training;
  • too much training;
  • wrong diet;
  • no time to regenerate;
  • too much exercise;
  • little or no sleep quality.

If you don’t know how to train to avoid overtraining, it’s best to consult your personal trainers. We should also remember that people who train a lot, show a greater need for nutrients and the amount of food. It is not without reason that athletes so often use a supplementation to help them nourish and accelerate muscle regeneration.

What should I do to avoid overtraining?

People with appropriate knowledge are aware of the risk of overtraining and know that sometimes it is better to give the body a rest than to decide for the next training. However, high ambitions and setting the bar too high make overtraining a problem for many lovers of physical activity. Here are some tips to follow to avoid overtraining.

Use an individual training plan

Each exercise plan should be adjusted to the level of sophistication of the practitioner. Many beginners are counting on the fastest possible results, which means that they have too many tasks to do without properly strengthened muscles and good condition. In the case of sport, it is not worth to throw yourself in the deep water right away. Starting your adventure with the gym with heavy weights will do us more harm than good. Even if we want to be as trained as a colleague practicing next to us, we have to take into account the fact that we will get into shape gradually. Too high a bar at the outset is a short way to injury, injury and overtraining, which can have serious health consequences.

Remember about diet and supplementation

No training will give us the results we need unless we supplement it with the nutrients our body needs to function properly. People who exercise a lot show an increased need for calories, especially protein and carbohydrates. An appropriate, balanced diet will support the growth and regeneration of our muscles, provide our body with fuel to support training.

mass extreme

It is worth knowing that during intensive exercise, the nutrients that we take from food may not be enough, so it is worth reaching for dietary supplements for athletes. It is best to use those that consist of natural ingredients: a protein supplement or mass products such as Mass Extreme or adding energy Titanodrol.

See a summary of the 5 best muscle mass gain supplements!

Maintain the right technique

The right technology is the key to success. The result of bad exercise may be lack of results, so we will want to practice more and more intensively, and this is the next step towards overtraining. A bad technique can also have consequences in the form of injuries and injuries, which can exclude us from training for a long time.

Beginners who do not have professional knowledge about the proper performance of individual exercises should ask for advice from a gym instructor or personal trainer.

Take breaks between the series

In strength training, breaks between series are very important because the muscles need rest. While during fitness exercises we can give them up, when it comes to weights, we have to give ourselves a moment of rest in order not to overload the body.

Don’t forget to regenerate.

Both in the process of muscle mass gain and in the period of reduction, rest is very important. 8-hour sleep and training-free days should be part of the training plan. Not always means more is better, and in the case of physical exercise, regeneration is essential for our health, it also supports the proper development of muscles. Lack of proper rest is a common mistake for beginners, who think that the more they practice, the faster they will notice the effects.

How to deal with overtraining?

If you notice signs of overtraining in yourself, it is best to start working as soon as possible. The key to this is rest. You should stop training for a while to let your body regain its motivation and return to good shape. Performing regular training despite feeling unwell, stagnant muscles and lack of effects can only make our condition worse and then it will be difficult for us to get out of it.


It is worth focusing on the diet, providing the body with maximum nutrients. Relaxing baths, massages and mental relaxation will also help you to regenerate.

We should only return to training when both physical and mental symptoms have subsided. It is best to start the return to form with a variety of trainings, changes in the training plan, less intensive exercises. If, despite our best efforts, your symptoms persist, you may need the help of a personal trainer or, in some cases, even a doctor.

Training can be quickly overcome if we start to act as soon as we notice the symptoms. However, any such case should be a lesson to us that we must not forget. Sport has two sides and only performed properly, serves us on health.

Check it out: Diet for muscle mass – what to eat to grow muscles

About Marius 131 Articles
Creator of He is 43 years old. He runs his own transport company on a daily basis. He likes to share his experiences with others. He is very familiar with the kind of problems other men have, that's why he tries to help by writing this blog. Together with his friends he had an idea for the editors, which is favourable to male problems.

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